More Store-age...

Working on the principle that you simply can't have too much shelving in a workshop, I've just reassembled the old steel shelving unit we rescued from Lou's garage, one of the three last things to go after the house and shed were cleared: the other two being a bureau-bookshelf and upright piano that the boys now have in the chapel.

The unit in question is the one at the rear of the picture, and is of the old-school 'Dexion' type, which is an unholy pain to assemble, but good and strong. I attached it to the German (Lidl) unit in the foreground with a couple of bolts from Mac's extensive collection of bits, also rescued from Lou's. I'm absolutely certain that this will far from the last storage unit I install in the studio, as there's so much stuff to collate and store. But hey(!), keeps me occupied!


  1. Nice. Is that Meccano set I see on the 2nd shelf up?????????

  2. Kel, last comment was from me!!!!!

    1. An almost complete Meccano No. 2 set, as it happens, Phil!


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