New Thinking Needed...


What is it about this world that we hold 'business' in the highest regard, above all other considerations: culture, philosophy, faith - humanity itself - as if it were independent of humanity, and de facto divine? Two things have struck me in my reading today:

The first was a short interview with economist Esther Duflo in The New Statesman this week, arguing again, as so many of us have been doing in recent years, that the only way out of the current economic and environmental mire we are currently in, is to reset and remodel. Our current world politico-economic system(!) is just plain broken, and offers no solutions to just about any of the world's problems: rather, it simply reinforces the archaic hegemony of wealth and privilege, over common sense and humanity.

The second was the comment made by Bernie Ecclestone - he of former Formula One hegemony - stating that he would take a bullet for Putin, in his words '...a first-class person...' and that the reason for the war in Ukraine lies with President Zelensky not having 'negotiated' properly with Russia and Putin. I mean, WTF? Again, a 'businessman' with little or no grip on the realities of the world, insulated as he is from the vicissitudes and pain of normal existence by his vast wealth. I rest my case...


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