I Am the God of Hellfire...

Well, here in Fairview Heights - at 20.00 hours: in North Wales, remember - the temperature has cooled to a balmy 27 Celsius, down from its afternoon high of 32. We expect a tad more extremity tomorrow. One would think that, given the immediacy of the myriad of problems facing the vacuum of governance currently extant, the temperature of the Tory leadership debate would be similarly elevated; but no, we are treated(?) to a display of vapid flummery and self-promotional nonsense by all concerned.

It really is of concern - really of concern - that none of the eejits seeks to engage even remotely urgently with the fucking elephant in the room: climate change, preferring instead to trot out the usual 'economic' arguments against doing this or that thing, citing growth and inflation as the most important things to deal with first. Excuse me, but in this burning, flooding chaos of a world that we currently just about inhabit, the niceties of macroeconomics really don't cut the fucking mustard...


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