A Tale of Two Johnsons...
"...standing at the Crossroads, believe I'm sinkin' down..." Both the Tory Party and Doris made pacts with the Devil, and both are now reaping the whirlwind. The resignations are piling in, and the exhortations from even his closest allies for him to resign increase by the minute.
They say be careful what you wish for, and signing up with dark forces always comes with serious caveats: in this particular, both sides traded their souls, each in pursuit of their own venal self-interest, and the blood-drenched contracts they signed are now being dragged out front and centre by Beelzebub's legal team, demanding reparation.
At least the writer of Crossroads appears to have benefited from his putative pact with the Devil, apparently granted previously absent musical abilities to produce twenty-nine timeless songs; covered to this day, nearly ninety years after his recording them. Unfortunately, Robert Johnson met an untimely, young death, heralding the twenty-seven club of rock star deaths decades before anyone ever thought of that taxonomy. As to Boris Johnson, well we'll see...
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