It's Bright Out There...

The view out the back of the cottage at Hell's Mouth, Pen Lleyn, this afternoon. The light here is practically Mediterranean, and frankly makes your eyes water, it's so bright, but the iPhone made a reasonably decent fist of exposing for the sky, and still managed to get some detail in the foreground: considering the ridiculous amount of UV, not bad at all. I can't even begin to imagine trying to capture this scene on film: it would require Ansel Adams levels of skill and talent to work that one out. I know the theory, but that's where it stops with me, I'm afraid. Still, I've brought the old Nikon F2 and a roll of expired Fujicolor film down with me, so I'll take a few snaps alongside the usual iPhone stuff, and in a few weeks - months? - I'll post some of the results from the exercise.


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