Black Thunder
Diary post tonight: it has been a pleasant and gradually warming day, today. We're currently dog-sitting the dark lunatic that is Lady, our son and his husband's Lab/Collie cross, who is, for the most part, a sweetie. But on this evening's walk, we encountered a guy walking three whippets, who frankly seemed unaware of any potential conflict between his dogs and ours. The outcome was me ending up on my arse and a lot of shouting to calm Lady down and retrieve the lead and get her under control and out of the orbit of the three others. Now, despite my age, I'm still pretty strong and, at around eleven stone, fairly chunky in terms of weight; but she still took off and up-ended me like I was nowt, and I ended up flat on the ground, and am now sporting a bruised elbow and a sore backside. Testimony to the raw power of even modestly-sized dogs.
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