211 Not Out - Yet


Just 211 on the score board and 148 to the other side: sounds like a win, don't it? Nah - Doris Pooh The Younger is already strapped into the tumbril and headed for Madame Guillotine. His 'reputation' is toast, and he will be rejoining the ranks of the hoi polloi sometime in the next few weeks or months, God willing. He won't want for money, though - his sort never will - and he will inevitably reinvent himself, much like Farage, self-mythologizer that he is. As is usual, other people will have to clean up his mess in his wake.

I said in the run-up to this that whatever the outcome of this vote, the Tory Party ultimately loses: the 'Boss' goes, they struggle to find a competent, let alone credible replacement. The 'Boss' stays, they're neck-hung with an albatross for another twelve-month, with an increasingly disaffected electorate itching for a voting opportunity.

Maybe we'll all now face the fact that Toryism and the Tory Party are archaic, obsolete, nineteenth century institutions that should have reached the end of their natural lifespan long ago. Here's hoping this year will truly be their Year of Living Dangerously: the shallow graves are already dug and waiting, the headstones awaiting inscription...


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