Shelving and Muck-raking...

Pictured is my new shelving unit, which I hope will go some small way towards tidying up some of the clutter in the studio. I got this kit from Lidl for the princely sum of just shy of forty quid: the equivalent type of shelving from anywhere else would be north of two hundred and fifty. It's good quality and has proper workshop load-bearing - which is handy as there's a shedload of stuff that needs storing!

Despite this being a diary post, I must, though, comment on the political story du jour - BeerAndCurrygate, to be specific - after listening to the Shadow Attorney General being interviewed by Evan Davis this afternoon on Radio Four, I got the distinct impression that Labour have some concrete inside information of a concerted Tory campaign to rake up mud in Durham and thence chivvy the police there into re-opening an already closed investigation: I'm paraphrasing, but 'hit-squad' gets close.

I also got the impression that Labour have sufficient evidence of this that they will have some considerable leverage when it comes to picking the bones out of this very sorry episode in our collective, public history and throwing the whole thing square in their collective face. Whatever, we'll soon see as things open out over the coming week(s)...


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