Pooh Pot, the Despot


One step further down the oh-so-slippery slope towards a totalitarian state: Bo-Bo-Bo-Boris The Insouciant has now started down the route of ensuring that he can not be ousted from office, no matter what transgressions he might in future commit, by changing the rules that govern ministerial behaviour, which basically gives him the final say over whether he himself is subject to those very rules, as well as a power of veto over his 'independent' advisor in his instigating any such investigations into conduct. Stitched. Up.

Next, can we expect to see a minimum thirty-year parliamentary term - Putin-style - or the abolition of the opposition, or a minimum personal wealth requirement for MP's? This clown is dangerous, and our lack of a written constitution is a wide open door for the kinds of abuses of power that we have seen from this odious oik - and oik you are, Doris, Eton or no Eton - since his party and the electorate gave him the mandate and hence the apparently absolute freedom to say and do exactly as the gigantic spoiled child he is, wants. His party needs to collectively grow a pair and deal with the man, sharpish, before the damage he wreaks on us is irreversible.


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