On the Rocks...

Doris appears to be on the run at last, but breath-holding would not be advisable, due to the ever-present risk of asphyxiation under the blanket of bullshit that is the Tory Party, and it's cabal of no-mark apologists for the arch-prat that is our so-called Prime Minister, the aforesaid Doris Pooh The Younger. As we crawl, ever-so-slowly, into summer via the doldrums of an indifferent, North Wind driven Spring, the prospects for most of us seem as bleak as they have done for decades, with pretty much zero actual leadership - supplanted by febrile Doris survival shenanigans - our future in the lap of the Gods, it would seem, given the random nature of Western politics at the moment. The best we can hope for now is that enough of Doris' acolytes, lickspittles and hangers-on amongst his back benchers will see that he is taking them - and us - for a very long ride to the edge of a cliff beyond which is mere oblivion: all in the service of his own, personal, political survival, at any cost. Get shut, idiots...


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