Moving On?

Well, it will be interesting to see how the Tories and their media lackeys spin their way out of the election debacle that we are now slowly witnessing. I was disappointed but not surprised that the media seemed to be playing down Labour results this morning, but as the day has worn on and the results for the Celtic nations are coming in, it seems that Conservatism, at last, is on the retreat. The figures speak for themselves: the only losers, across the board, are the Tories: every other party has gained ground.

This guarantees nothing for any General Election result, but it is a bellwether that the Tories will ignore at their peril. For my part, I would prefer the Conservative and Unionist Party to simply wither and die for good, as it has absolutely no part to play in a modern Britain. We need - as the Tories are constantly saying these days - to move on. We need to progress, a word at odds with the very concept of conservatism, to a better place: politically, philosophically and economically, before these people trash everything we hold dear in the service of their own, selfish ambitions.


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