Car Crash Economics
The latest wheeze by our hands-off, do-nothing-lest-it-hurt-corporate-profit, excuse-for-a-government, is to lay off some 20% of the Civil Service. 91,000 jobs are to be canned because this sorry administration has simply no tools in its limited toolbox left with which to deal with the cost of living crisis. So, the answer to spiralling costs, unaffordable housing and skyrocketing energy bills is to make 91,000 people unemployed?
Don't this bunch of privileged, vacuous halfwits realize that it's the Civil Service that actually do the running of this country, and not the government of the day? On what planet does taking another 91,000 people out of the economic loop benefit an economy? 91,000 breadwinners and their families spending less and possibly relying on state benefits, at least in the short term. Never mind the human cost of this cynical exercise in book-balancing.
The longer we allow this shower of economic dullards to 'run' our country, the closer we get to the precipice of another great depression as the economy stagflates itself into its grave, taking most people with it. The sight of Jacob Rees-Mogg, shifty-eyed and condescending tosser that he is, being interviewed on the BBC today and having the gall to talk about fiscal prudence, when his government wasted so much public money during the first weeks and months of the pandemic, made my blood boil. Depressions lead to civil unrest and wars: is that what these feeble-minded amateurs really want?
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