Who's Next?
Doris Pooh the Younger's personal political enclave is shrinking by the week, ably assisted by none other than the Bear of Little Brain himself, as his erstwhile allies fall by the wayside having shot themselves in their PR feet as predictably as the sun rises and sets. The latest self-immolation, of course, is our Chancellor of the Exchequer, Rishi 'Dishy' Sunak, who, like Doris, is pathologically un-self-aware.
What irks Doris, aside from the negative - to use the current bollox-phrase du jour - 'optics' from the party and governmental point of view, is that his Chancellor is simply, stupendously more wealthy than he is. Let's face it, Doris is a poor little mite from an underprivileged background, ain't he? Do me a favour...
So it looks like more shifting the Cabinet furniture is in the immediate offing. The Bear is rapidly running through his stock of scapegoats to chuck under his bus: he could end up like Putin, holed up in a stronghold and surrounded by equally paranoid and ineffective individuals, waiting for it all to just go away, so they can get on with getting away with it...
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