Take A Stand...

Well, we now know exactly what the energy price rises mean to us personally. Our electricity charges [we are all-electric] have risen by 50% within days of the start of April, effective from the first of the month. For us, at the moment, given the current weather, this means a jump from around £400/month to a projected £700, assuming that we will need to continue at the same rate for the next month or so - bear in mind that although we will manage, we are both retired - we're not wealthy, but we're OK.

What was an already onerous burden has been ratcheted up by what is really a quite daft increase. We already pay a premium for the 'privilege' of paying monthly on invoice: in fact, we pay more for our energy than even the poor sods with the heinous pre-payment meters: the only mitigating factor here being that we have financial control over it. Those on Direct Debit will suddenly feel a very big pinch in a few weeks, the only control over which they will have is being to cancel their Direct Debits and thence to pick the bones out of the fallout that follows with their 'energy suppliers'.

All of this will impact not only domestic consumers directly, but will knock on to affect small & medium-sized business, the pathetic remains of our High Streets and just about everything that will impact the lives of ordinary people outwith the bubble of wealth-management and offshore deferment of tax responsibility.  If ever there was a call to arms, this will be it, and it will entail millions of people taking the risk of defaulting on their, frankly, unpayable bills.

Unpalatable and scary as that might seem to them, it will be the only method by which the unempowered majority can pass the message back up the food-chain that enough has to be, this time, enough. The straw that finally breaks the camel's back has already been loaded upon the population by the unfeeling and mindless forces of neoliberalism. Bear in mind, however, that there is strength in numbers, and that they can't imprison you for energy debt. We are all consumers: one half of the market equation. The Neo-Cons argue that market forces should always be allowed to hold sway, unabated. That works both ways: remember that. You are part of that equation...


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