No Escape...

Just finished watching what has, in recent years, supplanted "The African Queen" as the standard, terrestrial TV, Bank Holiday offering: "The Great Escape". Tomorrow, Parliament reconvenes after its Easter break, and where, we are told, Doris Pooh the Younger will offer yet another fulsome - read insincere - apology for his Partygate wrongdoing and his subsequent legal censure therefrom. Of course, any question of his standing down voluntarily will, of course - ahem - be out of the question, as far he himself is concerned.

He - Pooh - is, of course, according to his caste, destined to rule. It was written in the stars, or rather in his upbringing and education. Proles and the hoi polloi in general should have no say in the matter: just pay due deference, peasants. The achievements of the Tory Party - in what in its modern shape is after all not that much older than the Labour Party - are numbered in the 'achievements' of Empire. A legacy whose nastier side is glibly glossed over by the Bear of Little Brain and his ilk.

Pooh is keen to 'move on' from the irritant that is his having been caught out, flagrantly and serially, lying to the electorate, his kith and kin, and most crucially to Parliament itself; proven unequivocally by his conviction(s) by the Metropolitan Police over the lockdown shenanigans. Unfortunately, the inevitable will happen tomorrow and in Wednesday's subsequent PMQ's, when he will double down (yet) again on his stance that he was unaware of his having transgressed the very laws that his Government had enacted.

The opposition - and Kier Starmer in particular as a lawyer, need to point out to him that ignorance of the law is no defence, and ignorance of your own law is just plain cupidity. There should be no Great Escape for Pooh or any of the others implicated in this, what all said and done is a serious matter and not just about cake: they should just bow out with honour (!) and be thankful not to suffer the more deadly consequences that befell the unsuccessful escapees of the movie...


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