Index Linked...

Pictured is the latest mini-project, in progress. I figured that if I'm going to research the Mozzie book properly, I'd need to organize my thoughts, and the old slip-box idea came to mind. I'd got a spare packet of 5"x3" index cards, but no box to organize them in. Likewise, I didn't want to use the Zettelkasten I'd started earlier [blog posts passim], as I want this one to be focussed  on the project at hand. I couldn't for the life of me find a box that would suit my needs: both functional and aesthetically pleasing to use, so I decided to make my own in the style of a tatty eBay find (I did try eBay, but there was nothing at anything like a sensible price).

So, out came some more of the salvaged pitch pine from Capel Bethania and I knocked up the above this afternoon. Tomorrow I'll make the divider thing that will hold the cards upright, out of the same timber. I've quite enjoyed making the thing thus far, and have learned as usual from mistakes made and poor judgements implemented in haste. As with everything I attempt, it's  a self-education process: another tool in the box for later. Keep you posted on progress.


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