G-ASKH Redux

I've decided, probably somewhat foolishly, to just go for broke and write the book on G-ASKH, the Mosquito that Uncle Mac and many others lavished so much time and effort on until its untimely demise in 1996. This will require a level of diligence and effort that, to be frank, I'm unused to; I just hope I can pull it off. The story is such an interesting one, it just needs to be told in a bit more detail than hitherto.

There's loads of stuff out there, but it's mostly fragmentary: odd magazine articles, etc. The truth is, there's more depth and nuance lurking in this aircraft's history than appears in the stuff written about it to date. I also have the personal, family connection with it, which makes the project perhaps a tad more imperative for me. I have no idea whether I'm up to the task, as my writing has hitherto been in the pretty fragmentary form of this blog and a few pieces written many years ago; but whatever the outcome, it's worth a stab. Keep you posted...


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