
Sorting through more of the house-clearance stuff [blog posts passim], I came across more Rolls-Royce Merlin-related things. The drawing in the picture is an old-school photostat of part of a service manual for the engine, and the photograph is of the port pair of Merlins running in a Lancaster.

From a conversation I had with an old friend of Mac's [cf. blog posts passim], it would appear that Mac was pretty much the go-to guy regarding the Merlin, with Rolls-Royce contacting him regularly, post his retirement, for his expertise and knowledge on the subject of the iconic power plant.

The more I discover about the bloke, the more I admire him and count myself lucky that I knew him and had some pretty wonderful conversations over the years. I fully intend to write up the story of 'his' Mosquito - G-ASKH -  from its resurrection from the scrapyard to it's untimely demise some thirty-three years later.


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