Is This What We Really Want?

The spectre of nuclear war has yet again surfaced in the wake of the fortnight-old war in Ukraine, with talk of Putin's Russia potentially escalating the conflict from the conventional to the unthinkable. While we've just been told of a theatre-wide ceasefire to allow talks and the evacuation of refugees to those countries willing to shelter them from the war, this doesn't change the prevailing conditions by much at present.

For anyone who argues that the nuclear weaponry likely to be deployed by Russia - should it go down that route - will be tactical, battlefield weapons, it's worth bearing in mind that each of these, whilst being more targeted and of much lower power and yield than strategic, intercontinental weapons, still possess the explosive power of the bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima, killing nearly 75,000 civilians instantly; the eventual death toll from this single device in the region of 200,000.

They're tactical in the loosest sense of the word only, and their use would inevitably lead to the logical conclusion of an utterly destructive strategic strike against the aggressor with the concomitant automatic, and also utterly destructive counter-strike. Not a lot might remain of much of Europe and the UK, Russia, Ukraine, or indeed the U.S. should this transpire, even with the greatly reduced nuclear armaments currently held worldwide. Nightmare made flesh.


  1. The FACT that Putler is USING thermobarbaric weapons on Maternity Hospitals should make us aware that this cunt doesn't give a fig for what we do or say. We should look at the "soft" supporters of Putler i.e., the twat Brillo Pad and MANY left wingers who take the Russian coin and pay for it by echoing Putler's "Alternate Facts", who said "Money doesn't talk it swears"???
    The speed of the financial sanctions are PATHETIC!
    We know who the Oilygarchs ARE we have known what they OWN (thanks Private Eye!!) for YEARS and measures against them are GLACIAL! I think that ALL of them including the Credit Card orgs, (there's more than just MasterCard & Visa folks!!) must have hoped that Ukraine would fall quickly and it would be OLD NEWS c.f: Georgia and business would be "back to normal" where DIRTY Russian money (it is STOLEN from the people of Russia!!) is distorting OUR housing market (reports of Welsh properties being hoovered up by the Oilygarchs before their cash is denied them!) all this is exacerbating the second/holiday home distortion/denial of the poor locals to get ON the housing ladder.
    I'd like to postulate the obverse of the "Trickle-down-effect" so popular with BIG money apologists and right wing politicians (OH they are the same!) which states that an amplification of the top end of a range distorts the WHOLE range. BUT the homeowners (thanks Thatcher for distorting the market permanently!) look at the escalating prices of their own homes and keep schtum or are even, deludedly, HAPPY for their "good fortune/astuteness" for buying their home.
    There are hundreds of yachts and properties that should be seized NOW; Obramovich STILL owns Chelsea FC., whose fans recently reminded me of the fact that they, virtually invented, the InterCity Firms of ultra hooligans by booing those supporting Ukraine. Free speech is one thing callous indiferenc/ignorance is completely different!! I wonder IF the FA sanction them Oh no the FA is part of FIFA that only just dropped GazProm from sponsoring it's matches!
    Whilst I'm on it:
    We should announce not a throttling of refugees but an active system of offering them apartments IN the siezed Oilygarch's properties.
    Shame that I can NOT do this on George Monbiot's blog!
    He's one of the few that ARE on the money!


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