Adrift in a Sea of Trouble...

Doris Pooh the Younger is currently in front of the Liaison Committee, squirming on his customary brand of strangled semantics and facing questions over Partygate, even stooping to seeming unawareness of the by now matter of record issuance of the twenty fixed penalty notices by the Metropolitan Police. Carefully tiptoeing the fine line between ignorance and mendacity, neither of which is defensible, he opts instead to continue his stonewalling technique of hiding behind 'the ongoing investigation' by the Met to avoid answering a single direct question on the matter, several months down the line.

Moving on to Ukraine, a basic question he should surely have had himself briefed on properly - how much of the £400M humanitarian aid pledged by his government has actually reached its intended recipients? - the bear could not answer, having no figures to reach for, despite his having been asked for them weeks ago by letter, and to which he hadn't bothered to reply. It's all well and good the Prime Minister basking in the reflected glory of the aid package and sundry other pledges and promises, but the key issue of this valid question is the ultimate destination of the monies offered and in what amounts it reaches those in need: £400M could easily be largely eaten up by admin, or simply diverted into the hands of individuals or organizations along the way.

On topic after topic - after the predictably scripted bluster and bravado of Prime Minister's Questions this lunchtime - the bear's performance in front of the Committee is, as always on these occasions, far from the confident showboating of his Commons outings and reveals him to be a man reluctant to fully grasp the actual task of leadership, rather than simply basking in the limelight of his prominence. Constantly struggling to come up with consistent numbers or straightforward answers to straight questions on pretty much anything asked of him is not the sign of a man with his finger on the pulse of his vocation or his responsibilities. Still a shambles. Still avoiding telling the truth. Still needs to go.


  1. When I first adopted a whale from WWF I found that it was a VERY poor deal monitarily for me & the kids i.e., fuck-all in updates, location, sightings, births ANYTHING PLUS half my money went to the "payment providers"! I've been sent this URL by my colleagues IN Ukraine for what THEY need:
    Whilst I'm typing I intend to purchase a reel to reel machine and think that we could experiment with your tape mate. What format/speed info have you?


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