Viral Messaging...


What fun that all was - not: the PM's press briefing on the Beeb tonight can only be considered by any rational being to have been an absolute car crash. Doris is so far out of his depth it's painful to watch. The farrago of mixed metaphors and messages - the two scientific advisors outlining quite clearly the reality of the pandemic's immediate prognosis and Doris equally quite-sort-of-clearly saying everything's coming up roses and not-to-worry-folks-just-trust-me... really?

What was instructive were the small fragmentation grenades tossed into the fray by Laura Kuenssberg and Robert Peston, both shifting their questioning to the situation in Ukraine whilst carefully including merely supplementary questions about the bear's Covid policy changes: nice move. When faced with such diversity of interlocution, he simply crumbled, mumbled and faffed embarrassingly for what seemed an age until finally, he summoned up sufficient resources from the depths of his much vaunted intellect and came up with - exactly the same badly rehearsed platitudes we've heard time and time again... Please, who will rid us of this troublesome Prime Minister?


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