T[w]itter Ye Not...


Well, it looks like Donny T'Rump is facing a tough decision as he is ordered to testify in the state civil investigation into his - and his family's - business practices: does he give testimony or take the Fifth? [source: AP] Neither option is likely to end in a positive for the Don. If he takes the Fifth, he will look guilty, if he testifies, his ego and verbal diarrhoea will ensure he puts his foot firmly in his mouth.

Or, of course, if he opts to testify, he might be wise to take advantage of Twitter's wonderful AI to scramble his responses to questioning in such a way as to render him squeaky clean to the judge's ears. I say this because Twitter's AI doesn't seem to have learned idiomatic English and doesn't recognize ironic humour. My Twitter account was frozen this afternoon because of my response yesterday to a thread retweeted by Jess Phillips, MP. She was passing on James Felton's comment about Prince Andrew paying £12M to a woman 'he's never met...' and a government that doesn't want photos published that would 'exonerate them in full.'

My comment simply used the time-worn idioms of shooting oneself in the foot, digging a hole for oneself, and hanging oneself with all the rope afforded one. Simple as that: plain sarky. Except as far as the Twitter moral engine is concerned I was advocating self-harm and forced me to agree that was the case to get my account back, with the added penalties of my not being able to read Twitter for three hours and barred from posting for a further nine. F**k me sideways, if that's the state of AI, where does that leave us?


  1. I've just posted a Feedback on Apple's "AI" that interrupts my typing with all sorts of SHIT that it "thinks" I mean. I have to watch the message line in Messenger for several seconds whilst MY computer "talks" to bloody Siri (or whatever!) about "correcting" what I "mean"! VERY frustrating because it doesn't display what I have input on MY computer, it just changes it to what it "thinks I meant and I have to remeber what I typed, NOT useful for a dylsexic (hate to say it but it's NOT evident now)!!
    IF "AI" learnt properly it would be of some use but it's ALL about aggregations of data from disparate sources which, to me at least, are NOT scored or evaluated properly.... Discuss:)


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