Death Spiral...

It's looking increasingly difficult for Doris Pooh the Younger to be able to spin his way out of the mire - of his own creation - that he finds himself in. His dwindling cohort of apologists is being rapidly whittled down to the chaff, the likes of Nadine Dorries being chucked in front of the ever-present Doris bus to give car-crash interviews where the task of answering simple questions seems completely beyond her. Twitter has lit up like a Hollywood marquee in recent hours in response to her frankly bizarre encounter via Zoom with BBC Breakfast presenter Charlie Stayt: some offering that she was drunk, others that she might be suffering some sort of breakdown and still others that she is romantically attached to Doris in some way.

My take is that she's simply another out-of-their-depth scapegoat-in-the-making for Emperor Pooh: cannon fodder in the desperate campaign to keep the bear of little brain in power. Unfortunately for the ursine one - the appellation Big Dog never seemed to suit the eejit in my book - those willing to face the hail of bullets as human shields against his critics are now in very short supply indeed. His time remaining in office is definitely going to be short, but God knows what monstrosity is waiting in the wings to replace him when he eventually goes or is pushed. All I can say is that there are now some golden opportunities for some lurid histories to be written off the back of it all: maybe Johnson fancies writing one of them?


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