The Party Party™

I see the Paymaster General has been wheeled out into the firing line yet again by the Non Government™today in Parliament, to repeat ad nauseam the mantra of "...we are awaiting the results of an on-going independent enquiry, blah, blah, blah..." & "...we offer condolences, blah, blah, blah..." in response to request after request from the House for comment regarding Partygate. Hiding behind senior ministers and bland procedural platitudes; doubling down on their position in media interview after media interview, and lying & dissembling at every turn; is the de facto modus operandi of this sneering bunch of shysters with whom we are unfortunately saddled.

The Paymaster General stonewalled his way through the entire session, saying precisely nothing, but implying that the result of the enquiry - should it ever be published in a timely fashion - is pre-ordained and that those implicated by the pretty solid prima facie evidence thus far presented - will simply be exonerated on the very longest of nods by it. What transpired in the House today will no doubt be repeated at Prime Minister's Questions tomorrow, with added Labour Party bashing no doubt thrown into the mix by Doris himself; attack being his customary mode of defence. Just how much longer he can get away with this simpleton charade is entirely down to his own party, enquiry or no enquiry: as a cohort they need to grow a pair and voice their growing unease with him in the form of a vote of no confidence. To paraphrase former PM David Cameron - "...for God's sake, people, just sack him!"


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