Shameless, Clueless, Downright Brainless...
Just when you think you seen everything - see my two last posts - the physical embodiment of crass that is our Non-Government™ and its ersatz leader, Doris Pooh the Younger, comes right out and dumps a Party Political Broadcast onto mainstream TV, despite there being nothing electoral (yet) to contest, scant hours after PMQs this afternoon. This stunt is proof positive that those in charge of the affairs of State have either descended into a parallel universe akin to an Enid Blyton story, where being a posh child insulates one from all harm despite one's actions; or they've started dropping acid in the Cabinet Office. Really, words f***ing fail me.
If Doris thinks that this was a good idea, he's basically even more stupid than I suspected: if the bloody thing was dreamt up by a trusted advisor, then he's an order of magnitude more stupid than I imagined just for sanctioning it. The optimist in me hopes that this was a devious attempt by some Tory saboteur to agitprop Pooh out of public favour for good, using extreme irony as their medium; but I suspect that the video was broadcast in all seriousness by a delusional administration, desperately clutching at straws as the long knives are busily being unsheathed within the Tory backbench ranks.
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