Accentuate the Positive...
Further to yesterday's post and things mathematical, I can't find any concrete references online to the Midlands Mathematical Experiment, under which aegis I was 'taught' maths. All I remember was the 'roneoed' textbook that my teacher was constantly having to correct, due to the large number of errors in the text. Coupled with my teacher's rather heavy Glaswegian accent, the poor pedagogic methodology of the 'experiment' served pretty much to obscure the purpose, point and detail of the subject on offer. As I wrote yesterday, I left school without maths; my intended route into studying chemistry at university thwarted - in those days, a maths A-level was mandatory for the further study of science.
I don't regret for a moment having chosen the arts as an alternative, as the choice hasn't dictated my life one way or the other: I've studied whatever I've fancied in an ad hoc, autodidactic fashion ever since. But I have maintained a lifelong fascination for mathematics and intend, perhaps rather late *cough* in life to brush up on my algebra and finally get to grips with calculus: just because it's there, this time around, rather than as the box-ticking exercise it was when I was sixteen. Keep you posted...
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