Dance of the Puppets

Who's pulling the strings in the Met over the-investigation-that-won't-happen-into-the party-that-may-or-may-not-have-happened-and-at-which-no-Covid-rules-were-breached? As a former senior Met officer said on BBC News tonight, the concept that crime is not investigated retrospectively is plain nonsense, and that Downing Street is - obviously - one of the most surveilled buildings in Britain and that more than sufficient CCTV footage should exist of any comings and goings on the night in question. Given the Met's history, should we be surprised that political interference appears to be at play here? I think not, and as the Leader of the House took such pains to feign surprise that several Members should dare criticise the police at Business today in the House makes me think that skullduggery is afoot. Watch this space, this shit-storm ain't over yet...  


  1. I haven't bothered to follow this false investigation but as it's illustrated by the Gold Commander (FIRST time used in a Terrorist situation) of the killers of Himenez it is designed to fail and the wheels will be blown into the wilderness!


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