Big Sister is Watching You...

Machiavellian and devious in the extreme, your Home Secretary, with the backing of her government, is set fair to reduce the UK's parliamentary democracy to something resembling North Korea's regime. This bunch are pushing through amendments via the back door to already pretty unpleasant bills, which will legislate to impact dangerously on your civil rights. I haven't seen anything like this since the darkest days of Thatcher in the eighties - our basic rights to protest and contest government action are being threatened as we speak - this is the essence of current Conservatism, a Conservatism that owes more to the ultra-right than ever before. A Conservatism that speaks the language of both National Socialism and Stalinism. A Conservatism of total oppression. I exaggerate not - this dangerous cabal of self-serving bastards could legislate themselves into permanent office if we sleepwalk into their odious future. I look to my own Welsh Labour government and its newly minted co-operative arrangement with Plaid Cymru to draw us back from these people before it's too late. Yes Cymru! Hwyl Fawr i'chi gyd.



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