Volte Fa[r]ce

Well, that didn't take long did it? Yet another U-turn followed by yet another "resignation". Doris's plans thwarted yet again: I'll bet he'll be counting lost personal revenue whilst plotting another hare-brained scheme for next week. He's so used to getting his own way - let's face it, his previous jobs have pretty much encouraged this - that he must be getting sorely frustrated in a rĂ´le that by definition is pretty trammelled by rule, precedent and convention. Not really maverick territory and you ain't King Of The World, Doris: much as you might like to be.

Still, it's good to know that the more sensible heads in the House didn't intend being steamrollered into going down this dangerous little avenue, and that the face at the centre of all of this buckled under the pressure and did the only credible thing in the circumstances, or did he need a heathy boot in the backside by his party when they knew the game was up?

I'll say one thing for Doris (or Pooh, if you prefer), he's consistent in his inconsistency, and predictable in his unpredictability! The longer he's kept in check, and the more frustrated he gets, the greater the likelihood that his true nature and ambitions will break the veneer of daffy affability he fools so many people with; which will hopefully be his downfall and the breaking of this viper's nest of a government. I for one hope he hurries up with it.


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