Tin Pot? Piss Pot more Like...

I've just witnessed one of the most embarrassing government press conferences ever: forty-five minutes of squirming waffle by our Glorious Leader, Doris Pooh, unfortunately somewhat tempered by the obviously intelligent and considerably more erudite Alok Sharma's contributions to the affair. I've just said to Jane that ordinarily one would enjoy great schadenfreude watching the Leader wriggle on the myriad hooks of press questions, but this performance by the end was so bum-clenchingly awful - think dragging someone off the street into the Royal Institution and shooing them onstage to explain Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle in mathematical detail, despite them not having even a GCSE in Physics or Maths - and it was so much worse than that - that I felt some deep down human empathy for the eejit.

I squashed that emotion sharpish, as to be perfectly frank he don't deserve the sympathy vote from anyone, folks. If I were a Tory - and I have never even remotely considered that egregious state of being, ever, in my life - I would be very, very worried about the damage Doris Pooh the Glorious Leader is wreaking not only on the country and our democracy as a whole; but to the Tory Party itself. If ever a Night Of The Long Knives® were needed to oust our Pound Shop Dictator, it is now. Defy the Whip, you lot - be brave: you know it makes sense, and thence onward to the next election when we can chuck the rest of you out. 


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