Thirteenth Flattened Ninths, Anyone?

Pictured is my Ibanez Artcore jazz-box, an eBay bargain from about five years ago. I got the Ibanez vibrato arm (I can't bring myself to use the incorrect 'tremolo' or 'trem arm') similarly from eBay a year or so after I bought the guitar. The roller bridge was bought just after that. I'd always wanted a jazz semi-acoustic: something inside me has always wanted to be Barney Kessel or Joe Pass, although I know that ain't never going to happen, but whatever! I did think that it might inspire me to at least make the effort to learn at least a couple of jazz standards, but so far it's not thus transpired. I think maybe I'll change back to the flat-wound strings and give it another crack. I owe it to myself and the guitar to at least give it a try!


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