
It's not an option and we have little time left...


  1. The problem for COP OUT & those who even bother to attend(!!) is that the "targets" that they set are WOEFUL and in the bloody future. They take NO notice of small Pacific Islanders who have NOTHING to do with the cause of this mess! Will they even notice when Bangla-bloody-desh goes under???
    Anyone who thinks that this bunch of self-serving professional mouth-wash spouting twats will "deliver" lives in cloud cukoo-land! They can't even get the priorities right for the pandemic that's killing people NOW.
    NOBODY picks up Johnson for his contradictory crap!
    Plus there's got to be "inertia" in a system as vast as Gaia which means that unless we take steps to roll-back the melting of our glaciers NOW they'll keep melting. The modelers remind me of the saying: "They know the cost of everything but NOT the value" which is applicable IN SPADES to our Establishment.


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