Forgive Me, Forgive Me, Forgive Me...

Judging by Doris' Pooh's unbelievably execrable recent performance in front of the CBI, it's no wonder that chaos prevails throughout the land or that it appears that the very fabric of our society is under threat. Forget the pernicious influence of social media, gang culture or even the pandemic & climate chaos - the existential threat that we face as a society is crass and class idiocy - the total inability to actually organise *anything* or do stuff properly at great expense to the rest of us.

Venal interests aside, our sorry excuse for a Prime Minister is simply, plainly, sadly inept. Devoid of any shred of talent outside of self-promotion, he is lazy, will not read the briefs given him and is frankly totally incapable of 'winging it' when faced with the consequences of his own, wilful lack of preparation; improvisation, let's face it, an essential skill for the committed bullshitter; all this the knock-on effect of years of [Tory instigated] erosion of the realities of actually-doing-stuff-right.

We've seen over the last forty years the replacement of responsibility, dedication and frankly, decent jobs and wages, with a fear-culture of buck-passing line-management and call-centre bollocks. I will offer a personal, real world example as an exemplar of this gadarene rush into the maw of untrammelled fuck-wittery at some time soon, but I'm cognisant of my rising ire, bile and blood pressure, so I'll leave it for later: it's a good tale though...


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