Ennui - Not 'ere, Mate...

I've got quite a few cameras and lenses to test, a good deal of well-expired 120 roll film to expose although very little 35mm left in stock, and a load of film I ought to get on and develop: the B&W stuff really needs me to get on with starting the darkroom build, but the weather's turning cold, the studio workshop is colder still and the cottage income is on hold until early next year.

I remember also that I was intending last year to get some glass plate ortho for my 5"x4" and that my Dad's Super-Baldax 6x6 really deserves repair. There's a couple of Minox 35's that need attention and the GAF rangefinder needs finishing before test. Oh, and the two old Pentax's that need their slow-shutter-speed trains looking at, maybe, although they're useable at normal speeds. Lots and lots to do, then. Who said retirement was about boredom and not having anything but daytime TV to occupy one's time?

Aside from the cameras and the darkroom project, there's stuff to do on the house in the Spring; the new season for the cottage and next year's income; chairs to repair and some much-needed additions to the metalworking shop: getting the lathe motor-train finished with a proper idler for the flat-belt drive, for a start! The nice thing about that one is that I'll be using the lathe to make the idler-wheel: then I need to think about some way of milling stuff without the ridiculous investment a milling-machine represents - but then again...mmm...


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