Calming Down, Now...

I've had such a day of ranting about the idiocy of just about everything - Doris, COP, Covid, the insanity of 'modern' business practices, crap workers' rights - und so weiter, that I'm stepping back for an hour or seven to let my blood pressure drop to a safer level. So - today has otherwise been a misty affair punctuated by a very enthusiastic Lab-Collie charging around the gardens like a beautifully demented loon, chasing a ball and carving great divots out of the grass like a dirt-biker hammering around the sharp turns. Joyful to watch, even in the soft drizzle that's been the main feature of today's weather. Otherwise, I've started to replace the light seals on the little rangefinder camera I renovated the other day (pictured). Once that's done, I'll get a film through it and see how well it goes: as I said before, I think it will turn out to be a good 'un and a keeper!


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