Black Money = Black Flowers

Money, 'the markets', competition: the fundamental planks of 'society'; the origins of which are inequalities born of unequal-ness of strength and the acquisition of 'wealth' and hence privilege through violence. Still, even now, when our species faces its own extinction at its own hand, the talk surrounding the COP26 conference revolves around 'who did good' and who are the bad guys. This is the fundamental problem: playground politics, pissing contests and willy-waving.

A hefty dose of growing up is in order, and we need to start eschewing the global capitalist model sharpish: it ain't working and in any case, people, we really can rewrite the rules; money and the markets really are a fiction we created in the first place. Believing in the primacy of the abstraction of the market as somehow outwith the control of the human race is at best naïve, and at worst cynical. It is a religion by any other definition, and one we could well do without at this moment in time.

We created this whole sorry edifice and we can rein it in: money is an artifice - we need to take that thought on board and run with what we can actually do with it, rather than being subservient to what after all, is an act of faith and trust - it's all just a promissory note, worth only what underpins it. At the current point in time, nothing of substance underpins wealth: the world's problems attest to that. Wealth is currently there to create more wealth for those who hoard it. The rest of the world starves, drowns and boils.

It is well within the remit of governments and world banks to pull the rug from underneath these people and re-invent and direct real wealth to the people who need and deserve it: besides we don't have much time left to get a grip on world politics and economics - Gaia will take us out as a species, make no mistake, and the planet will not have a care about the extinction of what in geological time will prove to have been a short-lived, albeit bright-burning and destructive anomaly; so much less successful than the dinosaurs. Sobering.

Addendum - since I vented the above, some agreement has been made on ending deforestation: I just hope this can be enforced in a humane way: there will inevitably be a quid pro quo over displaced livelihoods to pay.


  1. Just "one" problem with the de-forrestation "proclamation":
    One J Bolsonaro is NOT at COP OUT & will do fuck-all to assist in its vague and simplistic whimperings. Give the INDIGENOUS peoples the tools to protect THEIR environments and we ALL benefit!


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