Trussed Up

A Cabinet reshuffle, then - no surprises as to the actual event, and no surprises as to the shuffling. But the standout has to be Liz Truss as Foreign Secretary. I mean, come on! Really? I'm sorry but that can only be described as bottom-feeder mentality. Raab was bad enough, but I ask you, what on earth is going on? Meanwhile, Patel continues as the official right hand of Nosferatu, casting the shadow of authoritarian xenophobia over the nation and its former associates, not so much iron-fist-in-velvet-glove as lump-hammer-in-a-sock. As for voter ID - hello, totalitarianism; or banana republic or whatever else springs to mind. The franchise, peoples' rights and economic & political stability were hard-earned by my forebears. I have lived long enough to see this birthright pissed away by successive (mostly Tory) governments, destroying the good works, legacy and memory of some of the most worthwhile people ever to walk this earth. This lot I would definitely not waste urine on if they were aflame before my eyes. Excrement, the lot of 'em.


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