New Foundations

Latest mini-project and a definite move towards starting the darkroom build: the enlarger I got as part of that eBay bundle was missing its baseboard/easel, so I started to make a new one this afternoon. More of the old kitchen-unit melamine board - the biggest piece left in fact - forms the easel. The bracket for the supporting beam is being fashioned from a TV stand I made last spring that was surplus to requirements - as the three component pieces were rebated, glued and screwed together, it's more than strong and rigid enough for the purpose - all I have to do is trim the top of it down to the bottom of the scale on the beam and bolt it down to the baseboard/easel. There will be plenty of real estate on the easel for printing up to 16"x12" prints: more than adequate. Everything on the enlarger head is working fine, so now I just need to sort some lenses/lens-boards out now to cover 35mm and 6x6cm negs! Keep you posted...


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