As Ye Sow, So Shall Ye Reap...

I was at a bit of a loss as to what to write about tonight as I'm a bit knackered at the moment: I've managed to get the pantry cleared and finished building the extra shelving it needed, so a bit of a busy day: not helped by my almost doing my back in (yet again) moving stuff around the workshop in doing the work on the shelving. Thankfully, two paracetamol and a couple of drinkies has relaxed the appropriate muscle groups. Must be more careful!

However, I did have some convoluted chains of thought going earlier today, centred around the rise of Nazism in the thirties versus the German aristocracy and how the latter completely misread the developing situation; contrasted with the converse we appear to be witnessing at the moment in the UK: the renaissance of the aristocratic (or at least aspiring) ruling classes and the imminent demise of genuine democratic process. At root, the same populism fostered amongst the least-favoured of society is the motivator: we're witnessing a retrenchment of privilege, sectarianism and race-hatred across the board: nose, spite, face; springs to mind. The less-than-privileged need to stop voting for these bastards - to quote Rory Gallagher: 'it's happened before, it'll happen again' - take heed.


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