
That #blacklivesmatter is even still necessary astounds me. How are we stuck in the same, damned place as we were when I was a child; when the Civil Rights Movement seemed to herald a new, better place for us all to live in. Social progress has been made, admittedly: on women's rights, gay rights, religious rights; the acceptance of gender fluidity. But it is lazy to imagine that we've actually sorted the world: we ain't, guys - fact is, particularly regarding race, we're still pretty much in the same bloody hole we were in when I was ten. And I'm sixty-six now. Jeez...

I commend to you two YouTube pieces featuring the great James Baldwin; the first in a Cambridge Union debate in 1965, and the second in interview in 1979. Nuff said... Maya Angelou links will follow sharpish!

Cambridge Union Debate

ABC Interview 1979


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