Baa, Humbug...

So, no US trade deal then, despite its being trumpeted at the time of the EU referendum - five sodding years ago, for God's sake - as the jewel in the Brexit crown *cough*. And all Pooh can say is that the Americans are tough negotiators. What happened to all the 'oven-ready' stuff he's been waffling on about in that half-decade?

At least we'll be able to sell the Americans our lamb - despite the fact that it doesn't really feature as a meat of particular choice in North America: a Canadian acquaintance of mine once described it as '...poor peoples' food...', and as you rarely see a lamb chop or a slow-roast shoulder being consumed in Hollywood movies, I think it's safe to say that it's a minority thing over the pond.

So, we have a deal to sell our lamb to America, whilst on the other hand we are negotiating to buy lamb from New Zealand, as we used to in the 1960's and '70's. Why on earth would I, in Wales, want to eat lamb slaughtered and frozen on the other side of the planet, and shipped here at enormous ecological expense? When we, here have the finest lamb in the world, on our doorstep. The mind boggles.

This appears to be the sum total of this idiot government's talents: bullshit and squander, tub-thump and waste. How much carbon was dumped back into the environment on BoJo's failed junket to talk to Joe Biden, when he could have achieved precisely the same result with a phone call? Total waste of time, space and planetary resources. 


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