
Much work in the garden today, despite the heat - the UV levels appear to have defeated even my iPhone SE's normally excellent camera's exposure capabilities, as you can see above - my ladder is tethered to our out-of-control willow tree which is in the process of having a severe haircut: the pile of offcuts in the foreground gives you an idea of how much overgrowth there was.

Having bailed from our labours in the shoulder of the afternoon for the cooler climes of the house, and in my case a very welcome shower, followed by cold beer (Jane with her favoured G&T), our phones pinged the news that the Met Office has issued it's first extreme heat weather warning, saying that in Wales and the west we can expect 33°C temperatures over the next hours/days. Well, in our sheltered gardens as of five this afternoon we already have 28°C, the same as yesterday evening. And still the climate-deniers continue to deny that our weather, as I said before, has just gone totally bonkers in a very short space of time. And then there's the pandemic and Boris the About-turn's Roadmap™...


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