Oh, The Irony...

I don't wish to appear to be making light of the pandemic we're living through but the irony of the above is inescapable and self-explanatory. But it also begs the question: how many links in this supply chain are there, and how many profit-taps along the way? I'm not in any position to judge or investigate, but on the previous record of our inglorious and indeed vainglorious government, it's not a great stretch of the imagination to suppose that a few layers of chummy consultancy and 'outsourcing' were involved at the UK end. Talk about a circular economy...


  1. I'm equiped and ready to investigate mate!
    Mine is: LOT X2103755 is labled "NHS Test and Trace" was made 07/03/21 for Dept of Health and Social Care.
    SO that's firmly in Dido Harding's lap!!
    What details are on yours?

    1. Not mine but the box was left here: it’s the fact that it’s made in China that I find particularly odd…


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