It's Turned Up!
Shown is the repurposed tripod screw and it's new partner, the Manfrotto head I got on eBay for a bargain price. No longer for spares, this will partner the Rolleiflex SLX as I mentioned the other day. All that remains is to knock up a friction pad for it then job done and quite a few quid saved!
Getting the workpiece square in the chuck of the lathe to do the little bit of turning necessary was initially a bit of a puzzle due to the narrowness of the knurled disc of the screw: no matter how you eyed it up it wouldn't sit true, until I came up with idea of referencing it against the front face of the chuck by using a nice square-ground piece of machine steel and a couple of feeler gauges to sit against the chuck face and out of the way of the jaws whilst I held the flat of the piece against the shim and tightened the chuck - pretty much spot on! The finish leaves a lot to be desired as I really need to invest in some new lathe tools and maybe a quick-change tool post. All grist to the mill!
Emery cloth mate! Tory using the "Huge debt that Labour left" being an excuse for their 11 years of miss-mangement!! T.WATTS