It. Is. No. Thing.

Crossing No Bridge, Fairview...

I've been digging through boxes of stuff - mainly books - in the quest for my old tournament-sized Chess-set and clock, both of which are here in the house somewhere, but as yet have proved mighty elusive in the finding. Along the way of course, books appear that I've not seen for some time and so I've been dipping into one or two of them.

One particular little tome I rediscovered was one of those little square, mini coffee-table books that crop up in garden centres and the like: 'Zen Garden' by David Holzer. Whilst my small centering friend pictured sits under the buddleia in the rockery just in front of our house, I've been meaning to resurrect a small patch of the garden in front of the studio that has fallen into disuse through not really ever having had any use or focus; so recently I'd thought that a small Zen garden in the shade of the studio might be a good use for it. When I came across the book, I thought why not just do it.

'The perfection of Zen is to be perfectly and simply human.' - Alan Watts (1915-1973)


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