Apex Predator, Anyone?

There is a general, possibly heroic/stoic but ultimately pathetic unwillingness on the part of the human race to accept that it really is just one tiny part of the Earth’s ecology and that by our will alone we can prevail in the face of the threats before us. Climate catastrophe aside(!) the pressing issue of pandemic has at its heart an organism totally outwith the scope of our workaday perceptions - a small clutch of nucleic acids 'acting' ruthlessly intelligently, adaptably and resiliently through what is after all blind, ineffable stupidity, its simplicity being the key to its effectiveness. Whilst it has an arena, it will continue on with its show. Global vaccination is the only option, and that at the moment appears to be a distant aspiration.

We're doing particularly well in the First World (no surprise here - we do have all the money and influence), but what I want to know, and what we all need to know, is just why the vaccine rollout here in the UK appears to have stalled. As I understood from the government’s own boasting of the quantities secured across all the available vaccines; quantities apparently sufficient to enable further booster doses to be offered next autumn; we surely should have had ample supplies to get the whole job done by now. If we're still so far from target, the hopes of the rest of the world catching up in time to stem at least the deadliest effects of the virus, are frankly vanishing fast.

So why are so many of us here still to be fully inoculated? The easing of lockdown restrictions before the herd is wholly vaccinated is either an expression of our governments hubris/stupidity or slavishness to the market; or the population are yet again simply being led down the garden path on this one. As Johnson and his Star Chamber have proved utterly mendacious in attempting to cover up their myriad mistakes in the extreme thus far, it has to be the latter - someone needs to secure the dirt on this one and run with it. 


  1. The answer to your question lies in the web of shite spun on the InterWeb that is viewed, by the "ignorant" (I'm italicizing cos it's NOT their fault, they're being TRAINED to be ignorant in that they avoid the difficult shit at school (teachers do NOT understand it!!) and are "patted" on the head and told what CLEVER kids they are!) on TINY little (640x480) windows onto the REAL (1920x1280) world and are conned that THEY are witnessing the "TRUTH". Please refer to our good friend and guru Marshal McLuhan who'd be incredulous to see this winnowing down of OUR reality onto a piss poor 640x480 simulacrum!) This "TRUTH" (See 1984 for FULL explanation of what Blair SAW was coming and actually happening more that half a century ago!) is multi-layered and often inter-twined BullShit which is fashioned for commercial, political, racist...& etc., ends so ALL of these loverley people are NOT sure what is WHAT cos everywhere they step is shadows, smoke & mirrors constructed by "empty vessels" who just want to be heard and become "Influencers"!! They can't listen to reasoned arguments because they're infected with touchy-feely crap and do not have their critical faculties properly fuelled. In their world wars and violence are in far away places and executed by those who do NOT go shouting about the senslessness of it all plus they've grown up in a world of hyper-realistic violence on screen & in-game, so to escape it they just turn it off & listen to whale songs! There's a little piece of permafrost with anyone's name on it that doesn't actively assist in zero-emissioning now! :)

  2. There just might be an inter-relation with the younger generation NOT getting vaccinated thinking that it's an "old folks" killer. There must be great resentment with an older generation that "have it all" and they can't afford a house! NOT difficult to see that! But it means that they're not tripping over themselves to get innoculated (add weird Bullshit about CIA and nano-control!!) and we're making the BEST Petrie Dish to brew a variant that DOES impact the young! My neice has Long Covid which makes viewing her and her fellow sufferers as positive (in the economic sense) members of our community in the long-term a little problematic! Employers are already complaining that they can't find workers to re-open their sweat shops! I use that term to indicate the piss poor wages that they've gotten away with for years! When we formed Unions they imported brown people to work for nuffink! Current Capitalism is NOT worker friendly! Back to Watt Tyler and the fact that the ruling class see US as THEIR workers!! Queen Victoria is seen, by history, as a benign monarch but when asked about workers having holidays responded on the lines of: "No they're just here to work!" The "upwardly mobile" wish to distance themselves and their off-spring from the dirty work and we now have a class of shit heads who think that Geeks are to have the piss taken out of them JUST for KNOWING how shit works! The quarry workers at Cae-Braich-y-Cafn knew this and got Education Education Education going here, I can see the entrance to the first school here in Pesda from my bedroom window, culminating in a University that all but blanks their contribution.
    With the INSANE lifting of lockdown measures AS the number of cases CLIMB is NUTS!! With the Olympics going ahead there's another SUPER Petrie Dish of our fittest specimens all in ONE place, coming from MANY places to generate a MUCH fitter covid variant. IF anyone thinks that it'll stop at a Delta variant they're NUTS.
    International travel has continued throughout the Pandemic and IS the VECTOR for transmission and variation. Aviation fuel has a tax applied to encourage the use of "greener" kerosine but Private Jets are EXEMPT!!! These bastards are operated by shadowy off shore entities that protect COMPLETELY the identities of their passengers! Luxury AND annonimity; how much better could it get??


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