A.I: The Future!

Now  the future really does look perplexing, and to be honest a trifle worrying. Apple's Photos app has a neat little trick or two up its sleeve when it comes to organising the plethora of pix on one's iDevice or Mac. For all I know, Androids play similar games: I'm simply not familiar with the platform at all, and as for Windows, that's a bridge far too far for me. That slightly snotty remark would seem to imply an innate superiority on behalf of Apple and its operating systems, however I can report quite honestly and without bias that it ain't necessarily so.

The above image is a close-up of the one that was picked by my iPhone's system as a key image for one of its 'collections': that thing where the phone sorts pictures it 'thinks' are similar into 'curated' categories. For the most part, it works pretty well and might be useful for some people, although not particularly to me. But sometimes the results, like the above, are just plain surreal and serve to underline the Artificial in Artificial Intelligence. This was the key image for the category 'Animals'. It is in fact, a picture of a blemish in the wood of a kitchen chopping board I made last summer. The phone appears to believe it to be a creature of some kind. The closest I can come to is a dromedary or a dog with a very large mouth (barking at the moon?). Extrapolate and worry.


  1. I more than concurr with you on A.I., mate; the reliance on it WILL be catastrophic as it's rolled out behind our backs!! BTW the stain IS a Gecko mate:) Just hear an Area Commander (Police) in London who got calls about spates of phone thefts more often that rapes: classification of problems and incentives built on "action plans" anyone!!!
    Is it just me or is there NO correlation between this virus and the soaring temperatures??? We'll see eh?


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