The Texture of Sunlight
Although our gardens are awash with colour after the wet spring and the recent sunshine, sometimes it's best to see and feel the texture of life, so whilst I've been photographing some of the more strident blooms out there, I've also taken some in monochrome, using the iPhone app I've mentioned before: Provoke. It renders the world as if Ralph Gibson had decorated it: soot and whitewash contrast, extreme grain and red-filtered black where the blue sky should be.
We're off down towards Abersoch for a break tomorrow: a couple of days stay down Pen Lleyn, at a place near Hell's Mouth. I'll be taking the newly gifted Rolleiflex SLX for medium format and a Canon EOS RT for 35mm, which has an interesting Cosina wide zoom on it: am intrigued as to the images it might produce. If anything of note transpires from the experiment, I'll post the results as and when I've got the negs developed and scanned. It will also give me a kick up the arse to get the darkroom project started, which will inevitably have to be interlinked with the 7" lathe restoration/relocation project: as I've finished the ORC and the weather's improving, it's time to get cracking on those...
Good Post.