A Toast, My Dears...

Remembering good times past - John Gary Kyte (on the left) -

It is with deep sadness that I write of the death of my old friend Johnny, a matter of hours ago. He suffered ill-health for much of his life, after contracting polio as a child. The physical limitations he had as result of this, and subsequent health issues over the coming decades, he bore without complaint or self-pity.

His love and knowledge of music are what initially cemented our friendship at the age of fourteen or so in school, but it was our shared bizarre and surreal sense of humour that saw us laugh and giggle our way into early adulthood, until we physically parted company when I moved away from Birmingham.

At school we became part of an extended group of lifelong friends - still called 'The Lads', even though we are all in our mid-sixties now: and it is as that 'family' that we sadly say "tara, our kid". Keep it fast and bulbous, wherever you find yourself, mate.


  1. Nice tribute and "tara" from me too. Sadly there have been too few times when we were able to get together over recent years. Out of sight however was never out of mind. JGK will also live on in all our memories and especially through the music we all loved and shared.

    1. Too right, mate! I let Karen know this evening, too, and said I'd keep her posted...

  2. A thoughtful tribute Kel - and a wonderful picture. White Punks On Dope indeed.

    We met at Foundry Road in September 1966. Even as a very young lad he was fascinated with music. As an 8 or 9 year old kid when we lived in Winson Green he used to listen to Elvis and Gene Vincent!

    Wend & I took him for his second vaccination on 11th May. He was pretty uncomfortable, and wasn't his usual, perky self. Got him out of his car, took him back to his flat, said a few words as he was very tired, and that was the last time I saw him in person.

    Trust All Well with you,



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