Where Are We Headed?

It is difficult to know where to begin in describing the current state of politics in this country: it almost feels like Trump USA before the Fall From Grace at the moment, and at least I hope the portents follow a similar trajectory - unfortunately the potential timeline to regime change will be somewhat protracted in comparison to our transatlantic brethren's. The only thing we can hope for is that Bozza is ousted by his own camp as being too much of a liability; politically and legally, to be the viable leader at the next parliamentary electoral outing.

What or who that scenario would leave us with at the helm of the nation, God only knows: Michael Gove? Almost certainly he's the only faintly capable candidate amongst the throng of total inadequates that currently, feloniously, and mendaciously occupy our cabinet and comprise the sorriest of governments I can recall in my sixty-six years on this planet. Gove today in Parliament doubled down on the stonewall response to all questions in the House - some from within Tory ranks - regarding corruption within the government, which now exists on so many fronts it's starting to look like the rap-sheet of a serial offender destined once again to complete their recidivist cycle and end up in clink for the umpteenth time.

The difference here seems to be a Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free card handed down from on high which enables them to lie barefacedly in the very seat of our democracy, seemingly untouchable by any rule of law, due process or moral stricture. Surely the point of urgent questions put before the House is to elicit cogent answers to issues of import to the questioners and their represented constituents, rather than be palmed off with non-answers, blatant untruths and tit-for-tat mud-slinging? Gove today simply continued where his absentee boss last left off and performed exactly to the oh-so-familiar-and-tediously-predictable Tory script. What galls is that the current Speaker seems at the moment to lack many of the teeth of his predecessor when it comes to Parliamentary process. The velvet glove needs to come off. Soon.


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